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To My Biden Supporting Friends

January 15, 2021

I truly never believed I would ever have to write this letter.  Surely, I thought, the American people would see through the ongoing lies and radicalism of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and realize that their election would usher in a socialist government that can only exist by taking the fruit of one man’s labor and handing it to another … someone who didn’t earn it.

There was no way a majority of the American people would support that ticket …

… but it seems I was wrong.

And I know now’s the time where we on the losing side are supposed to say, “Congratulations.  Our candidate put up a good fight but the American people have spoken, so now we must put aside our differences and work together to make America a better place.”

Sorry, but no.  I can’t say that. I won’t say that.  Come January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will NOT be my president.  Kamala Harris will NOT be my vice president.  I will never acknowledge them as such and will do all I can to POLITICALLY oppose them for the next four years.

You see, Joe Biden is not the President-Elect … he is nothing but a Pretender to the Throne.

Biden would not be scheduled to take the oath of office for the presidency if not for the massive voter fraud that occurred before, on, and after election day.  It’s all documented and available for all to see … if they choose to see it.  Sadly, most Democrats and even many Republicans are ignoring what happened.  THIS VOTER FRAUD INVALIDATES JOE BIDEN’S “WIN.”  He was not duly elected and, as I said above, he is simply a Pretender to the Throne who has NO constitutional authority whatsoever.

If you doubt that fraud took place, consider these headlines:

  • Military Ballots Found in the Trash in Pennsylvania—Most Were Trump Votes
  • Arizona Voters File Suit to Restore Their Ballots Cancelled Over Sharpies
  • Michigan USPS Whistleblower Claims Late Ballots Received Backdated Postmarks
  • 4 VOTERS Older than the Oldest Human Being Alive Today Voted in Michigan Including One Man Born in 1850
  • Hundreds Of Absentee Ballots In Detroit, Pennsylvania Missing, Not Delivered By Postal Service
  • Joe Biden Boasts Of ‘Most Extensive’ Voter Fraud ‘In The History Of American Politics’
  • TENS OF THOUSANDS OF BALLOTS Dropped Off in USPS Boxes at Detroit Absentee Ballot Processing Center at 3:30 AM After Election
  • Pennsylvania Attorney General States Outcome of Election is Predetermined, Calls Election For Joe Biden Before Election Day
  • Pennsylvania County Official: Thousands of Mail-In Ballots May Be Lost
  • Florida Postal Employee Charged with Stealing Mail-In Ballot
  • Bags Full Of Stolen Ballots Found In Seattle Suburb
  • Wisconsin Authorities Investigate Absentee Ballots Found In Ditch, As FBI Probes Discarded Pro-Trump Ballots In PA
  • Nearly 50,000 Ohio Voters Received Wrong Absentee Ballots, Officials Say – CBS Pittsburgh
  • Texas Poll Watcher Testifies On 2020 Voter Fraud In Houston, Has PHOTOS
  • Biden’s Texas Political Director, Other Democrats Accused In Illegal Ballot Harvesting Scheme
  • Republican poll watchers denied entry to some polling places, kicked out of others

·   Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County

·   A Mess in Michigan: Glitch Turns Red County Blue, Plus 138,000 Sudden Votes for Biden

·   Georgia Counties Using Same Software as Michigan Counties Also Encounter ‘Glitch’

·   Another ‘Computer Glitch’ Identified and Corrected in California Led to Republican Winning His Race


And this:

  • Only a handful of Republican poll workers hired despite the Detroit City Clerk being provided with an extensive list of candidates. Per MCL 168.765a(10), “At all times, at least 1 election inspector from each major political party must be present at the absent voter counting place and the policies and procedures adopted by the secretary of state regarding the counting of absent voter ballots must be followed.” This statute was violated throughout the activation of the Detroit AV Counting Board for all but a handful of the 136 AV Counting Boards.
  • Roughly 38,000 ballots arrive via a Detroit Elections Bureau van with MI license plate 090×063 at around 3:45am after more than three hours of little to no precinct activity. Origin of ballots unknown but primary candidate is drop box collections AFTER 8pm poll closure. Likely would have been known if it weren’t for previously mentioned stonewalling.
  • Roughly 10 boxes of military ballots not counted until poll challengers were prevented from entering AVCB. Ballots were available to count during period of little to no precinct activity between midnight and arrival of 38,000 ballots yet no action was taken. Why? Poll workers were idle.”
  • In 378 U.S. counties, voter registration rates exceed 100% of the adult population, meaning there are more voter registrations on file than the total voting-age population.

And while I do not deny that Republicans have also engaged in voter fraud on a limited basis, the Democrats have a long and sordid history of it … from Tamany Hall to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley to JFK’s father Joseph to Mary Landreiu to Al Franken and many, many others.

The second point that exposes Biden as a Pretender (and perhaps even more critical than his fraud-assisted “win”) is that he will be bound by oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” very similar to the oath I swore when joining the U.S. Army, in which I swore to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic [and] bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”

Notice that in both cases the oath is to defend the Constitution (and, in the case of the military oath, to “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution) … not the flag, not the country, not a political party, and not an ideology.  It’s the Constitution, our national law. 

When Biden takes the oath he will be exposing himself as a liar because his stated agenda is opposed to the Constitution.  In other words, he cannot simultaneously defend the Constitution while opposing the Constitution.

Joe Biden has allowed himself to become a puppet for the radical Left.  Whether or not he really believes in all the craziness they espouse is immaterial … he is the mouthpiece for the Harris/Sanders/Squad claque that was the real power behind his candidacy and will be the real power behind his presidency.

Here’s the thing: While the Constitution is the “nuts and bolts” of our federal laws (as well as a bulwark against tyrannical government), the Declaration of Independence was more the “mission statement” of the new nation.  And the Declaration made clear that we, as individuals, have certain inalienable rights endowed by God Himself, and that among – but not limited to – these are “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  An earlier version of the declaration said “pursuit of property.” Thomas Jefferson changed the wording to be more inclusive in these rights, i.e., our right to pursue happiness includes, but is not limited to, owning property.

How can one who advocates for socialism – and that IS what Team Biden/Harris does – which, we know, ultimately calls for government control of, well, EVERYTHING, also support our individual right to own property?

Take universal healthcare, for example.  How does Biden plan to pay for free healthcare (or any other promised “free” thing, like education, childcare, etc.)?  The answer is obvious: the system depends on taking money from one group of people to give to another.  It’s called taxation.  And in this case, it’s theft.

There are, of course, many things paid for with our taxes that we all (in general) get a direct benefit from on the federal, state, and local levels.  We have a military that protects us from invasion by foreign powers.  We have a Post Office to deliver our mail.  We have police and fire departments.  We have interstate highways and local roads.

But “free” healthcare benefits a select group of people at the expense of another group.  Likewise, “free” higher education benefits an even smaller group while being financed by a different group.

The fact is, if you support socialism, you support theft.  There’s no way around that.  If you support socialism, you support laziness (why work for those things that the government will simply give to you?).  If you support socialism, you support the heavy hand of government in our lives. 

If you support socialism, you oppose the Constitution (if you doubt this, read the Constitution … it DECENTRALIZES power, which is the opposite of socialism).

This point being undeniably true, Joe Biden (and puppeteer Kamala Harris) CANNOT take the presidential oath of office and mean it.  Even as his hand rests upon the Bible, his platform … his agenda … is to overthrow the very Constitution that he is swearing to defend.

And what is the result of that?  I’ll tell you.  He CANNOT legally serve as President.  He CANNOT plot the Constitution’s overthrow (which socialism does) while simultaneously swearing to defend it.  That is PERJURY.  According to 18 U.S. Code § 1621, perjury is punishable by a fine and imprisonment for not more than five years.


Beyond this, Biden shows his disdain for the Constitution in another way.  Remember when he said he would appoint rabid anti-Second Amendment activist Beto O’Rourke as his “gun czar”?  Whether Biden comes right out and says it or not, the truth is that he wants to take our guns away, starting with “scary looking” semi-automatic rifles.  But mark my words, his ULTIMATE goal (and the goal of his puppeteers) is to ban ALL guns.


My friend, you CANNOT “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” while waging a war against one of our most critical rights. 


Regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court has “ruled” over the decades, much of our current “law” is not constitutional.  The Constitution severely limits the authority of the federal government and, in Amendment 10, says, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  The Constitution does not give the federal government the authority to require/provide healthcare.  It does not give them the authority to be involved in education.  It does not give them the authority to require states to offer same-sex marriage.  It does not give them the authority to bail out industries.  It does not give them the authority to take land and make them “public.”  Since they do not have this authority, these decisions – constitutionally-speaking – fall to the states.


Yet, almost every American, excepting those few who are true originalists, believe the above stands to be constitutional because SCOTUS has decided they are … even though the Constitution clearly does not allow them.  But here we are.  We have just elected (pending recounts and court challenges) a career politician, i.e., a true swamp creature and global Deep Stater, who not only applauds these unconstitutional “laws,” he wants to expand them!


This raises the question, Does Joe Biden hate America?  I often hear comments from people on the Right saying this leftist or that leftist hates America.  But I disagree with them.


I believe they love America … THEIR VERSION of America.  What they hate is how America IS and how America USED TO BE.  They love the idea of America as an equal-size piece of the global pie. And they love their idealized view of America, an America where conservative voices are drowned out, where young children can decide for themselves if they want to take puberty-blocking drugs, where amnesty and a pathway to citizenship is handed to the 40 million illegal aliens in the country, where legally-purchased and constitutionally-protected guns are confiscated by government brown shirts, where “freebies” are handed out as if money grows on trees, where fossil fuels are banned and we’re forced to use high-cost and inefficient energy like wind and solar, where masks are mandated and the economy is shut down, where the borders are opened so anyone – even drug smugglers and human traffickers – can freely enter the country, where abortions are freely permitted right up through the moment of birth, where “mostly peaceful protests” are encouraged even though they result in our cities being burned down, where police departments are defunded and the citizens are left at the mercy of rampaging thieves, rapists, and murderers.  That’s the America they love.


But OUR America, the America where individual rights are protected and people are expected to take responsibility for their lives, that’s the America they hate.


Here’s the bottom line.  Biden said he wants to be the president for ALL America. But that’s impossible.  There is such a divide, an uncrossable chasm, in our country right now.  There is no possibility of compromise.  The fact is, Biden can only represent the far Left if he pursues his platform.  And I’m sure he will pursue it since the radical Leftist puppeteers have been pulling his strings since the primaries.


You (my Biden-supporting friend) and I have no mutual ground anymore.  As a Biden supporter you, by proxy, support his agenda. That means YOU support abortion through all nine months.  YOU support the confiscation of our guns.  YOU support defunding the police.  YOU support amnesty for 40 million illegal aliens.  YOU support banning gas and oil.  YOU support taxing one group of Americans to give the money to another group.  YOU support letting young children decide if they want to chemically castrate themselves.  YOU support mask mandates and shutting down the economy again if “the scientists” say so.  YOU support the rioters who are looting stores and burning down our cities.  YOU support open borders.  These are things YOU support because you voted for the candidate who supports them.


So, where is our common ground?  What issues can we agree on?


Don’t get me wrong.  I still like you.  You’re still my friend.  We can agree on music or sports or any number of things, but politics?  You and I are diametrically opposed.  You have a different worldview when it comes to governance.  Your chosen candidate – the one I pleaded with you not to support – has a globalist agenda that will destroy our liberty.  We have no common ground.


If we were debating whether we should raise (or cut) taxes by 10% or 5%, we could compromise.  But where is the possibility of compromise on abortion when “my” side seeks to end abortion totally (with the exception of the mother’s life being in grave danger) and “your” side believes an expectant mother should have the right to kill her fully grown baby right up to the moment of birth?  There is none.  Where is the possibility of compromise when your side wants to defund police departments?  There is none.  Where is the possibility of compromise when my side wants to increase border security and yours wants to open the borders to let anyone and everyone in?  There is none.


That’s why I can’t and won’t congratulate you on Biden’s “win.”  That’s why I can’t and won’t acknowledge Biden as the President-elect.  That’s why I say he’s nothing but a Pretender to the Throne.


And that’s why I am part of the NEW #Resist movement that will politically oppose the Biden/Harris regime every step of the way.

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